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penjelasan apa itu internet serta menjelaskan apa kelebihan serta kekurangan nya

Internet adalah jaringan komputer global yang terdiri dari jutaan perangkat yang terhubung bersama-sama. Internet memungkinkan pengguna un...

Azhar Maulana 12 Des, 2022

Penjelasan apa itu software dan cara kerja nya

Software adalah bagian dari komputer yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengatur dan menjalankan segala aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh komputer. ...

Azhar Maulana 12 Des, 2022

What is a Virtual Private Server

When choosing a hosting service, are you the one who is confused ? Confused about choosing because there are many types and prices that ar...

Azhar Maulana 26 Nov, 2022

Definition of Software, Software Engineering, and Disciplines of Software Engineering

Software or software, one of the critical devices in order to by no means be separated from the age of technology, specially generation thi...

Azhar Maulana 2 Nov, 2022

Software Definition

A few say "software program is a software" some say "software is home windows, linux, etc." . None of the solutions are...

Azhar Maulana 2 Nov, 2022

What is Software?

If we are used to working in the it discipline or the usage of laptop gadget, perhaps we are acquainted with the term software program , So...

Azhar Maulana 2 Nov, 2022

The Role of Software for Corporate Business Continuity

Software program is actually wanted in corporations due to the fact its characteristic is to assist facilitate commercial enterprise activi...

Azhar Maulana 2 Nov, 2022


within the global of engineering or engineering, the records that has been furnished or that has been received of course requires a way to b...

Azhar Maulana 2 Nov, 2022

Understanding Software, Functions, Types, and Examples

The definition of software is digital programming and information garage that isn't always physically visible however is contained with...

Azhar Maulana 2 Nov, 2022

The Role of Advocates in the Settlement of Cases Outside the Court

An recommend is someone who practices presenting criminal offerings, both inside and outside the court, that meets the requirements underne...

Azhar Maulana 1 Nov, 2022